
L et's Reveal.... Erotomania [Pseudo Belief of someone Loving you] Erotomania is of two forms. Primary form is a condition where a patient holds a false belief that another person is in LOVE with him/her. A person can be anyone to whom the patient has never even meet. eg celebrity, politician,actor,etc. This condition is so rare,onset,chronic & mostly seen in females[ Shy,dependent and Sexually inexperienced] The sufferer may also feel like a person is trying to convey his love with different tricks. Secondary form is found along with mental disorder like Hallucination, Persecutory delusion[delusion like someone is mistreating or harming you] and a grandiose ideas[over confidence like person has lots of talent and he is responsible for many discoveries] It was first described by G.G. De Clerambault in 1885 How Rare : Chances of getting Erotomania is 0.2 % in lifetime. Complications : In severe cases, erotomania can cause someone to show risky or aggressive behavior. A Suff...