
  L et's Reveal.... Erotomania [Pseudo Belief of someone Loving you] Erotomania is of two forms. Primary form is a condition where a patient holds a false belief that another person is in LOVE with him/her. A person can be anyone to whom the patient has never even meet. eg celebrity, politician,actor,etc. This condition is so rare,onset,chronic & mostly seen in females[ Shy,dependent and Sexually inexperienced] The sufferer may also feel like a person is trying to convey his love with different tricks. Secondary form is found along with mental disorder like Hallucination, Persecutory delusion[delusion like someone is mistreating or harming you] and a grandiose ideas[over confidence like person has lots of talent and he is responsible for many discoveries] It was first described by G.G. De Clerambault in 1885 How Rare : Chances of getting Erotomania is 0.2 % in lifetime. Complications : In severe cases, erotomania can cause someone to show risky or aggressive behavior. A Suff...


Let's Reveal...
Abb jo royengey tho khoon ayegha
Aasu jithney thy bahadiya meyne

Ky masth dialogue hey na..??
Dialogue tho masth hey lekin agar yehi akikath ho tho???

   It's a rare physical condition wherein a person bleeds tears  partially composed of  blood.
 1st case reported was in 22nd november 1984 , a 15 years  old girl started bleeding from her eyes while she was studying for her upcoming exams. 
Haemolacria [bleeding eyes] is not actually a diseases its  a symptom  of many other diseases.It may be an indication of tumor in lacrimal apparatus.
  • CAUSES:-
  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis[]Pink eye]
  2. Head Injury
  3. Blood Clot
  4. Hormonal changes
  5. Menstruation
  6. Inflammation
  7. Trauma
  8. Blood Disorder[example:-Hemophilia i.e ability of blood clot is reduced]
  9. Melanoma [Tumour  of melanin forming cells]
Doctor usually take a sample of blood tears and identify abnormalities.
Perform a eye endoscopy.[Endoscope a tool which visualises structures inside the eye]
Perform a CT scan of your sinuses.
Doctors recommend antibiotic eye drops.
Dilation and Flushing for tear draining [For removal of any chemicals or toxins]
Surgery [In Severe cases only]

NOTE :- Haemolacria often resolves quickly on its own if it is in initial stage or acute haemolacria.But causes severe discomfort,allergy,itching,inflammation.

It's time for case study...๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ‘‡
A  4 months small baby was brought to hospital by her parents to an emergency department reporting a case of bloody tears from last three days[1-2 times in a day]
Baby was carrying few flu like symptoms also.
 After  extensive investigation doctors revealed no infection,it was just because of toxins present in eyes,which lead to haemolacria.
Baby was treated with few antibiotic eye drops.
{Prevention is better than cure}

Let's have a happy ending today...
Haemolacria is very rare[1992 - 2003] only 4 cases were reported.
Self care is enough with few antibiotic drops 

I hope...You all learnt something today from my blog if yes, then a big cheers guys๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Don't let this chain to end here...share among your friends and spread the knowledge.
A big thanks to all  readers for reading till  the end...stay tuned till next post i.e wednesday

Stay updated..!


  1. Most of people do cry, when they see blood.
    But, what if their tears bleed ๐Ÿ˜‘

  2. I never knew it can happen in real๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…learnt something new today ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿค˜great job๐Ÿ‘

    1. Thank god.. Its a very rare disease๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜•..Thank You harika for this knowledgable information... Keep It up dear❤๐Ÿ‘

    2. True...thankgod it's rare

  3. That's really very interesting.๐Ÿ‘

  4. Hum ye dialogue sunte the ki Me tumhe khun k aansu rulaunga. Pahle imagination lagta tha but today u proved real me b hota h. Great dear๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜

    1. Yes sir..thanku so much ๐Ÿ’ฏ☺️❣️


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